2200 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, L6H 7H2
Ph: 289-837-4463 Fax: 905-582-2835
Chronic Pain Management
We are passionate and understand the impact of chronic pain on individuals, family and at the community at large. Therefore, My choice health service is in partnership with Intervention Pain Clinics to bring comprehensive chronic pain management services for our community. Physicians with expertise in evaluation and management of common chronic pain conditions provide care for the concerning patients at my choice health service. Common chronic pain conditions include osteoarthritis (shoulder, elbow, hand, knee, hip, ankle, and foot), fibromyalgia, chronic neck pain or back pain, as well as chronic migraine. The pain physicians at My-Choice Health service are well versed with multidisciplinary approach for common chronic pain conditions.
Chronic pain evaluation may include risk factors management, mental health evaluations, alternative therapies, pharmacotherapies, interventional pain procedures. Risk factors management may include counseling and various therapies for smoking, obesity, exercise, and stress management. Mental health optimization may be achieved with counseling, medication, or specialist services involvement. Alternative therapies include physical therapy, chiropractor, acupuncture, and regenerative medical therapies. Pharmacotherapies may include topical or systemic medications.
Intereventional Pain Procedures
Interventional pain procedures may include Botox Injection therapy for migraine, joint injections with steroid or Viscosupplements or regenerative therapies including Platelet rich Plasma Injection and prolotherapy, nerve blocks Injections and advance interventional pain procedures Chronic Pain Reliefs in Canada. Please note that all interventional pain procedures are not performed at my choice of service location however suitable patients may be provided appointments at the appropriate health care facility by the pain physicians. Please feel free to visit website of our partner organizations www.interventionalpainclinic.com and www.regen-md.ca for further details.